Introduction: In this post I am going to share multiple ways to concatenate/join strings together in sql server.
Description: Let’s consider an example of joining employee or student’s first name, middle name and last name to create Full name. Suppose we have a table having student’s first, middle and last name in three different columns. First and last name is “not null” field but middle name is nullable field. Now suppose whenever we query this table we want to get student’s full name by combining first, middle and last name. There are many ways to handle this. I have listed some of them here.
Implementation: Let’s create a table and insert some sample data into it to demonstrate our purpose.
MiddleName VARCHAR(50),
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Ankit','Kumar','Sharma')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Rahul',NULL,'Singh')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Mayank',NULL,'Sharma')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Aman','Singh','Rawat')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Rajesh','Singh','Thakur')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Narender',NULL,'Chauhan')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Puneet','Kumar','Verma')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Varun',NULL,'Shawan')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Jaswinder','Singh','Saini')
INSERT INTO tbStudent (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) VALUES('Rakesh',NULL,'Sehgal')
Notice that middle name is not entered for some students, so it is null in that cases.
Now let’s concatenate these three fields to create a single field.
First way: Using ‘+’ operator
SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Firstname + ' ' + MiddleName+ ' ' + LastName AS FullName FROMtbStudent
Query Result :
FirstName | MiddleName | LastName | FullName |
Ankit | Kumar | Sharma | Ankit Kumar Sharma |
Rahul | NULL | Singh | NULL |
Mayank | NULL | Sharma | NULL |
Aman | Singh | Rawat | Aman Singh Rawat |
Rajesh | Singh | Thakur | Rajesh Singh Thakur |
Narender | NULL | Chauhan | NULL |
Puneet | Kumar | Verma | Puneet Kumar Verma |
Varun | NULL | Shawan | NULL |
Jaswinder | Singh | Saini | Jaswinder Singh Saini |
Rakesh | NULL | Sehgal | NULL |
As you can see in above result, the FullName is NULL for those rows that have NULL for MiddleName .
Second way: Using ISNULL to handle Null values
The NULL value problem in first way can be resolved by wrapping ISNULL(column,'')around the MiddleName column so that it replaces null values with the empty string.
SELECT FirstName,MiddleName, LastName,Firstname + ' ' + ISNULL(MiddleName,'') + ' ' + LastName AS FullName FROMtbStudent
But if the middle name is null then there will be two spaces instead of one space in between first and last name as shown below.
Query Result :
FirstName | MiddleName | LastName | FullName |
Ankit | Kumar | Sharma | Ankit Kumar Sharma |
Rahul | NULL | Singh | Rahul Singh |
Mayank | NULL | Sharma | Mayank Sharma |
Aman | Singh | Rawat | Aman Singh Rawat |
Rajesh | Singh | Thakur | Rajesh Singh Thakur |
Narender | NULL | Chauhan | Narender Chauhan |
Puneet | Kumar | Verma | Puneet Kumar Verma |
Varun | NULL | Shawan | Varun Shawan |
Jaswinder | Singh | Saini | Jaswinder Singh Saini |
Rakesh | NULL | Sehgal | Rakesh Sehgal |
Third way: Using COALESCE to handle Null values
The null value problem in first way can also be resolved by using COALESCE. The COALESCE function in SQL returns the first non-NULL expression among its arguments. So it will return the value of MiddleName field if not null and will return empty string if it finds null value in MiddleName field.
SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Firstname + ' ' + COALESCE(MiddleName,'') + ' ' + LastName AS FullName FROM tbStudent
But still if the middle name is null then there will be two spaces instead of one space in between first and last name.
Fourth way: Using COALESCE to handle Null values (Correct Use)
Below is the correct way of combining first, middle and last name without extra space in between first and middle name.
SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, FirstName + ' ' + COALESCE(MiddleName+ ' ','') + Lastname ASFullName FROM tbStudent
Query Result :
FirstName | MiddleName | LastName | FullName |
Ankit | Kumar | Sharma | Ankit Kumar Sharma |
Rahul | NULL | Singh | Rahul Singh |
Mayank | NULL | Sharma | Mayank Sharma |
Aman | Singh | Rawat | Aman Singh Rawat |
Rajesh | Singh | Thakur | Rajesh Singh Thakur |
Narender | NULL | Chauhan | Narender Chauhan |
Puneet | Kumar | Verma | Puneet Kumar Verma |
Varun | NULL | Shawan | Varun Shawan |
Jaswinder | Singh | Saini | Jaswinder Singh Saini |
Rakesh | NULL | Sehgal | Rakesh Sehgal |
Fifth way: Using CONCAT inbuilt function(sql server 2012 and further versions)
In SQL Server 2012 there is a new function called CONCAT that accepts multiple string values including NULLs as arguments. All arguments are implicitly converted to string types and then concatenated. Null values are implicitly converted to an empty string. Since CONCAT substitutes NULLs with empty string, thus it eliminates the need of additional task for handling NULLs. For example
SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, CONCAT(FirstName , ' ', MiddleName , ' ' ,Lastname) AS FullName FROM tbStudent
But still if the middle name is null then there will be two spaces instead of one space in between first and last name.
Now let’s consider one more case where all the columns e.g. First, Middle and Last Name columns are declared as Nullable. That means any of the columns values can be null. Then this can be correctly handled as:
SELECT FirstName,MiddleName,LastName, REPLACE(RTRIM(COALESCE(FirstName + ' ','') + COALESCE(MiddleName + ' ','')+ COALESCE(LastName + ' ','')), SPACE(2),SPACE(1)) AS FullName FROMtbStudent **************************** End *************************
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