Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What is the use of SELF JOIN in SQL SERVER with example?

ntroduction: In this article i am going to explain the use of self join in Sql Server using two examples. 

Description: A self join is basically a query in which a table is joined to itself and that is exactly why it is called a self join. So basically this join is always performed on single table as opposed to other joins that need more than one table.  Self-joins can be useful when we want to compare values in a column with other values in the same column in the same table.

To write the self join query we need to list a table twice in FROM clause and assign different alias to each instance of table  because tables participating in self join have same name, set up the comparison, and eliminatecases where a particular value would be equal to itself.
Syntax for SELF JOIN :

SELECT a.column_name, b.column_name...
FROM Table1 a, Table1 b
WHERE a.common_field = b.common_field;

Implementation: Let's understand the working of SELF JOIN using an two example. 
  • First of all create a table for storing Employee details like Name, Address, City and managerId using the Script below.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmDetails]
                [EmpId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                [Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
                [Address] [varchar](200) NULL,
                [City] [varchar](50) NULL,
                [ManagerId] [int] NULL
--Insert Sample data
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Lalit','#1234','Chandigarh',NULL)
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Raman','#4567','Panchkula',4)
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Arjun','#111','Chandigarh',1)
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Rohan','#321','Delhi',1)
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Raghav','#675','Noida',4)
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Sameer','#555','Panchkula',1)
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Kapil','#541','Chandigarh',1)
INSERT INTO EmDetails (Name,Address,City,ManagerId) VALUES ('Reshav','#909','Ambala',4)

This table will look like as show in image below:

self join example in sql server
Example 1:

Suppose our requirement is to find the employee name and their manager names. We need to write the following query:

SELECT e1.Name AS EmployeeName, e2.Name AS ManagerName
FROM EmDetails e1
INNER JOIN EmDetails e2
ON e1.ManagerId =e2.EmpId
ORDER BY e1.Name
  • Output will be like as shown in image below:

self join example in sql server

Example 2 :

To find the employees living in the same city we can write the query using SELF JOIN as:

SELECT DISTINCTe1.Name,e1.Address,e1.City FROM dbo.EmDetails AS e1,dbo.EmDetails AS e2 WHERE e1.City=e2.City and e1.Name <> e2.Name ORDER BYe1.City,e1.Name
  • Output will be like as shown in image below:

self join example in sql server
Notice that "Arjun", "Kapil" and "Lalit" live in the same city "Chandigarh" and Similarly "Raman" and "Sameer" live in the same city "Panchkula".

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